
TAGGED : gary boatman

Your Financial Future

Inflation continues to be a major financial issue for many people. While the inflation rate has come down over the last two years, prices are facing a lot of consumer resistance. The government recently reported that fast-food prices are up 33% over the last five years. Combo meals that used to ...

Your Financial Future

Every year the trustees of the Social Security Trust Funds issue a report about the solvency of these accounts. Last week, they issued a new report that added one more year to the expected life of the trust funds. They will now be available until 2035. While this was a one-year improvement from ...

Your Financial Future: Retirement contributions increasingly important

Today, baby boomers are more responsible for their own retirement than any generation since the industrial revolution. That was the period of time when U.S. industries moved from items being individually produced by craftsmen, to coming from factories. This allowed goods to be produced quickly ...

Your Financial Future: Women must prepare for the future

While most Americans face different financial challenges, one of the most significant is when a woman becomes a widow. The average age that this occurs is about 58-years of age. This age is calculated by the U.S. Census Bureau. While many of the issues we will be discussing also apply to men, ...

Your Financial Future: Women should carefully plan for the future

In 1977, the United Nations declared March as International Women's month. They did this to recognize the challenges and accomplishments that women have in the world. Today, we will discuss some of the financial challenges that women face in the United States. Two surveys of women ages 25 and ...

Your Financial Future: Careful attention can prevent woes during tax season

According to the IRS, many taxpayers spend about 13 hours preparing their tax return. More specifically, the IRS says that the average nonbusiness taxpayer spends nine hours preparing a tax return, which includes three hours of record keeping. For taxpayers who file a business return, expect ...