

The weather Thanksgiving morning was nearly perfect to take a run or walk around Uniontown for around 900 participants in the 17th annual Uniontown Turkey Trot 5K. It was a bit chilly with a teeth-rattling wind every so often, but those who crossed the finish line didn't seem to mind. I'm not ...

Look around a crowd of runners and walker participating in a road race, and one might be surprised to see a lot of smiling faces.Now, this could be the result of pain, dehydration and oxygen debt (and for the non-walkers and runners, why?), but I'd like to think it's the result of ...

Eagles will soar to Super Bowl title

In case you've missed the news, it's Super Bowl weekend!So, who's going to win the final NFL game of the season?Great-nephew Collin Downey stands alone with his prediction of a Chiefs' 21-17 victory.Nephew Jason Lohr sees the Eagles taking the Lombardi Trophy with a 34-28 win.His brother Brian ...

Q & A with Santa Claus

Baby, it's cold outside.Yet, Santa Claus is unfazed by the weatherman's warnings and cautions. He's like the post office, you know, "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays Santa and his team from the swift completion of his appointed rounds."And, if I've learned anything from ...

Familiar foes battle in Turkey Trot

It's nice to know my old muscles and joints can still cover three miles at a decent pace, at least for me.I speak of competing in the annual Turkey Trot through the streets of Uniontown (which really upset folks who had to sit and wait at intersections on their way to grandmother's house).If ...

My dad was a big sports fan, especially baseball.I think he would've really enjoyed himself the past few days watching the Fayette County American Legion Baseball League Tournament at Hutchinson Field. A comfy chair, hot dog with mustard and a pop, and he would've been just fine watching the ...