

Did you know

Did You Know? The following is another Did You Know? quiz about Fayette County history.I'll get to the questions a little later. First, I'd like to fully answer a question a couple of regular readers to this column have asked me.A few weeks back, I posed a question based on an Oct. 3, 1930 ...

GOP still can’t give Obama any credit

When presidential candidate Barack Obama made the bold statement that if given the opportunity and the "actionable" intelligence, he'd send troops into Pakistan to take out Osama Bin Laden, it was met with Republican guffaws.Obama was called naïve, and not suited for the presidency.He's now ...

Of sideshows and carnival barkers

Of Sideshows and Carnival Barkers I feel cheated.This week, I hoped to write about how Republicans are holding town hall meetings and facing increasingly angry senior citizens who're in fear of losing their Medicare.I wanted to point out that those are the same Republicans who ignited angry ...

Send in the clowns

Send in the Clowns What's this world coming to?All I did was write a column that essentially said Donald Trump is becoming the Ronald McDonald Trump of American politics - and I've found agreement in the unlikeliest of places - among Republicans.Yep! I can openly say I've found a number of ...

Did you know?

The following is another Did You Know? quiz about Fayette County history.1. A New Salem native had an important impact on the Allied Force's victory in WWI. What was it?A) He was Medal of Honor recipient, Alvin C. York's, barber.B) He led a key charge at the 2nd Battle of the Marne.C) His ...

Why is Trump lying about Obama?

Donald Trump wants to see President Obama's birth certificate.What, he can't afford a computer?The president's birth certificate has been available online for years.Trump's resurrection of this "Birther" nonsense obviously appeals to the knuckle-dragger wing of the Republican Party. He's ...