


Major League Baseball will go anywhere to collect new devotees. Nothing wrong with that. Baseball has been periodically taking its show on the road since the New York Mets faced off against the San Diego Padres in Monterrey, Mexico in August of 1996. Already this season, the L.A. Dodgers ...

ëƵSunshine. Blue skies. Please go away. My girl has found another ëƵ and gone away. With her went my future. My life is filled with gloom. So day after day, I stay locked up in my room.ëƵ This is by no means an admission of anything. I donëƵt stay locked up in my room. I was merely ...

It was one of the most disturbing days in the eight-year presidency of Barack Hussain Obama. On Aug. 28, 2014, during a live news conference, he brazenly wore a tan suit. Oh, the humanity! Republicans everywhere were appalled by such an outrageous display by a U.S. president supposedly ...

Betsy Ross and the Supremes

The news is little more than a constant churn of whatëƵs new; whatëƵs old; whatëƵs changed ëƵ or whatëƵs staying the same. Some news stories, though, have what they call ëƵlegs.ëƵ Sometimes I have a hunch about those. Last month, when it was first reported in The New York Times ...

I was a war correspondent

Over the years, IëƵve aspired to do many things. IëƵve failed at many of them. IëƵve conveniently forgotten the rest. ThatëƵs what makes me so well-adjusted (for the most part). I can reach back over the years and sift through those aspects of my life that didnëƵt go the way I planned ...

My commencement address

ItëƵs that season again. The nationëƵs, no, the worldëƵs notables are fanning out around the globe ëƵ dispensing their wisdom at learning institutions with their personally crafted commencement speeches. I havenëƵt paid much attention to any commencement speech since June 1, 1966 ëƵ the ...