
Times have changed

3 min read

While growing up in my hometown of North Irwin in Southwestern Pennsylvania, I encountered many different political and religious views and persuasions. We still got along with each other for the most part, and I miss that.

During my lifetime, I’ve seen civil rights afforded to Black men and women. I’ve seen women be given the ability and right to own property without a man co-signing, the ability and right to have some say in their own health and reproductive choices. I’ve seen people gain the right to marry the ones they love.

It is so different now. Some people want to limit, deny, or remove these hard-fought rights of other citizens. I’ve seen people I love turn to fear and hatred of people of color. I’ve seen people I love grow their hate of liberals, and I’ve observed people I care about be afraid of threats and acts of violence from their neighbors. I’ve seen people I love decide that women shouldn’t have the right to choose their own health care. I’ve seen people I know look down their noses at those good people of other faiths.

I don’t think that Donald Trump supporters are dumb. I think that they were conned by a flimflam man who purports to be very rich and doesn’t need money, yet has convinced them to send him more. Even very smart people can be fleeced. But because that con was so well-orchestrated, if they admit to being conned, that would make them a “loser,” and no one wants to think they have been victims of a hoax or of a liar. They don’t want to accept guilt for supporting and promoting such a man. They also can’t think of themselves as not being good. They haven’t yet confronted or overcome their biases.

I get that many are grieving that their candidate did not win an election. Many are still going through the seven stages of grief: disbelief, denial, anger, bargaining, guilt, depression and acceptance. Some will remain “stuck,” and until they have completed the grief process, it is expected they will continue to be angry and to deny the facts. It is expected that some will double down on the conspiracy and hate speech. They don’t want to be labeled as “dumb” or “losers.” They will continue to fight so they aren’t, to reshape reality so they feel comfortable about themselves.

But if they continue to support and repeat the lies while knowing they are lies, they are complicit in the fraud and any of the associated crimes.

Bud Santimyer



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