

Grant-funded hydration station opens at Hutchinson Park

By Zach Petroff 2 min read
article image - Courtesy of South Union Township

A ribbon cutting marked the recent opening of a new hydration and bottle refill station at Hutchinson Park in South Union Township.

According to a press release from Pennsylvania American Water, the “eco-friendly feature” will provide free tap water and was funded through a $10,100 grant from the American Water Charitable foundation.

South Union Township Supervisor Jason Scott said he was “extremely grateful” for the American Water Charitable Foundation’s 2023 Keep Communities Flowing Grant Program that allowed the station to be created.

“The hydration station … will help hydrate visitors along .7-mile of (the Sheepskin Trail) that will eventually connect the Great Allegheny Passage to the Mon River Trail,” he said.

Scott said the project will help reduce “accumulated plastics” within the parks and watersheds.

“Providing clean drinking water does not simply stop at our homes and businesses,” Scott said at the supervisors’ Wednesday meeting. “But also for our outdoor recreation space as well.”

In other business, supervisors voted unanimously to add Chuck Michael to the Greater Uniontown Joint Sewage Treatment Plant Authority as a representee of South Union township.

He will serve out the term of his brother Phil Michael, who died last month from injuries sustained from a car crash that took place the month prior.

“We didn’t want to do anything too hasty when replacing (Phil),” Scott said during the meeting before the supervisors voted on the appointment.

Scott said the supervisors reached out to Chuck Michael who will only be serving on the board until the end of the year.


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