
A New Approach to Nutrition: Understanding the Latest Trends

4 min read
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The idea of staying fit and healthy is something that is drilled into most people’s heads over their entire lifetime. The saying ‘a healthy body, a healthy mind’ did not just come out of nowhere. Over the past decade, that idea was created and shared across the masses. Now, the notion of outlining new approaches to nutrition is not meant to ever encourage the diet culture that has unfortunately become more popular but rather to showcase the different types of eating lifestyles out there. Some might be considered the latest trend but have perhaps been around for hundreds of years already and are only gaining traction now.Ìý

This article aims to outline a few of the more popular trends in nutrition.Ìý

The Keto Eating Plan

The most important thing about finding the right eating plan for you is to do one you enjoy. If you think about your personal life, you know that the things you do consistently are the things that you enjoy. Whether that’s playing tennis consistently because you like it or playing that allow you to have some online entertainment from the comfort of your home while still bringing thrill into the mix. People do what they like. So, if you’re looking for a new eating plan, then choose one that you like and not one you’re forcing yourself to do. For example, the keto plan is a very easy one to decipher as it is heavy in meats, fats and oils but restrictive when it comes to fruits, carbs and sugars. So if you know you love meat and fatty foods such as avocado, mayonnaise, butter and cheese, then this could be a suitable option.Ìý

The way the keto eating plan works is that you cut out all sugars and carbs, i.e., anything that could lead to a blood sugar spike, you put your body on increased amounts of meat and fats and this pushes your body into a mode called ‘ketosis’ which essentially tells your body that it has more than enough fat and should therefore start losing any additional fat that the body holds. So, you’re essentially tricking your body through the food you eat.Ìý

Raw Eating Plan

Another eating plan that has popped up and seen a large following is the raw eating plan. This is exactly as the name implies, eating raw. Now, this does not mean that you eat your meat raw no no, but rather that you only eat items that can be consumed in their most natural and raw state. You cannot heat your food over a certain degree, as in the raw lifestyle there is the belief that if you overcook a vegetable by boiling it, you are stripping it of its natural minerals and bringing stress into the food. You can slightly warm your food and they use the act of dehydrating very often but real heat cooking is off the table. They partake in creating meals that require a lot of sitting or overnight action e.g., overnight oats or 12-hour sweet potato chips.Ìý

Find an Approach that Suits You

There are so many eating trends out there, such as the Paleo diet, Dukan diet, Vegan diet and the list continues. When you approach finding an eating style that suits you best, it’s probably ideal to think about mindful eating as a whole. Consider which foods do your unique gut well, which foods make you feel energized versus ones that make you feel exhausted. Are there any foods that leave you prone to a breakout or how do you feel about warm versus cold foods. Answering these questions might help you create a food lifestyle and nutrition plan that works for you specifically.




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