
ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard Privacy Policy

1. Sites covered by this Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement applies to the ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard online edition and all subsequent online sites launched in affiliation with the Uniontown ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard.

Links to non-ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard websites

The ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard website, or other sites launched by and/or affiliated with the ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard website may provide links to third-party websites for your convenience and information. If you access those links, you will leave the ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard website. We do not control those sites or their privacy practices, which may differ from our practices. We do not endorse or make any representations about third-party websites. The personal data you choose to provide to, or that is collected by these third parties, is not covered by the ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard Privacy Statement. We encourage you to review the privacy policy of any company before submitting your personal information.

2. Collection of personal information

The ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard collects and uses personal information to understand your needs and interests and to serve you better. To register for our daily online edition via email or subscribe to our archive service, we ask you to provide personal information. The types of personal information you provide to us on these pages may include user IDs and passwords, your name, address, email address, gender, age and household income. To actually place an archive search credit card information must be obtained. In addition to the information you provide, our site in conjunction with our content management system may also collect information during your visit. That information allow us to collect certain standard information that your browser sends to our website such as your browser type and language, access times, and the address of the website from which you arrived at a ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard website. They may also collect information about your Internet Protocol (IP) address, clickstream behavior (i.e. the pages you view, the links you click, and other actions you take in connection with our sites). An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you are surfing the Web, allowing Web servers to locate and identify your computer. Computers use IP addresses to communicate on the Internet, allowing users to browse and shop.

3. How we use your information

The information that the ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard collects is utilized to better understand your needs and interests and helps the ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard to deliver a consistent and personalized experience. For example, our sites may use your information to: provide service and support; update you on new services and benefits; provide personalized promotional offers; select content to be communicated to you; personalize some web experiences; and contact you for market research regarding new products and/or services.

Credit card information is used only for payment processing. Credit card information and other sensitive personal information required to process a credit decision is not used for any other purpose by our third party agency or by the ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard and will not be kept longer than necessary for providing the services.

4. How we share your information

The ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard will not sell, rent or lease your personal information to others. The ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard shares personal information with companies working on our behalf and other Calkins-owned media entities. The ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard retains service providers and suppliers to deliver complete products, services and customer solutions. Suppliers and service providers are required by contract to keep confidential the information received on behalf of the ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard and may not use it for any purpose other than to carry out the services they are performing for our company. Except as described in this Statement, the ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard will not share the personal information you provide to us with any third parties without your permission, unless to: (i) respond to duly authorized information requests of governmental authorities; (ii) comply with any law, regulation, subpoena, or court order; (iii) help prevent fraud or to enforce or protect the rights and properties of HP or its subsidiaries; or (iv) protect the personal safety of our employees and third parties.

Subscription communications

Subscription communications include email newsletters, software updates, etc. that may be expressly requested by you. After you request such communications, you may opt out of receiving them by using one of the following methods: Select the email “opt out” or “unsubscribe” link, or follow the opt-out instructions included in each subscription communication. Return to the Web page(s) where you originally registered your preferences and follow the opt-out instructions. Email the online edition that the request is being made of. Be sure to provide your name, email and postal address, and specific relevant information about the ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard subscription(s) that you no longer wish to receive. Please be aware that when you opt out of receiving certain subscription communications, it may affect the services you have chosen to receive from the ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard where accepting the communications is a condition of receiving the services.

5. Access to and accuracy of your information

ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard strives to keep your personal information accurately recorded. We have implemented technology, management processes and policies to help maintain data accuracy. We provide individuals with reasonable access to personal information that they provided to us and the ability to review and correct it, as applicable. To protect your privacy and security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity, such as requiring a password and user ID, before granting access to your data. To view and change the personal information that you directly provided to us you can login via our requested user name and password to change/update your personal information.

6. Keeping your information secure

The ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard takes seriously the trust you place in us. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, to maintain data accuracy, and to ensure the appropriate use of the information, we utilize appropriate physical, technical and administrative procedures to safeguard the information we collect. We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption when collecting or transferring sensitive data such as credit card information. SSL encryption is designed to make the information unreadable by anyone but us. This security measure is working when you see the symbol of either an unbroken key or a closed lock (depending on your browser) at the bottom of your browser window. Credit card numbers are used only for processing payments and are not used for other purposes.

7. Changes to this statement

The ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard will undertake reasonable efforts to notify you of material changes to this statement.

8. Contacting us

We value your opinions. If you have comments or questions about our privacy statement, please send them via email to mpalm@heraldstandard.com or write to us at the following address: The ÎÞëÊÓƵ-Standard 8-18 East Church Street Uniontown, Pennsylvania 15401.

About our advertisements

DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP), a Google product, is an ad network partner that displays ads on Calkins Media sites. DFP collects data on the user to be used as an identifier for use in frequency capping, audience segmentation and targeting, sequential ad rotation and other audience-based ad delivery controls across devices. Calkins Media also uses DFP Audience, which collect information about which pages each user visits and the domain name of visitors. DFP Audience segment information is anonymous; users are identifies solely by a random cookie ID number.

May 2014

Starting at $4.79/week.