

Guest Columnists

Sometimes having fewer people to do the job might mean more work for the employees but a lower bottom line for the payroll.You have a store to staff, for example. You want 10 people to work from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. You only have five. You shuffle those around, have a little less coverage at ...

Bobby Jr. and the politics of crazy

Until recently, the last time a member of the vaunted Kennedy family was in presidential campaign mode was on the evening of Aug. 12, 1980, in New York City. The occasion was that yearëƵs Democratic convention.It was Jimmy CarterëƵs convention (sort of) but Ted KennedyëƵs night. The senator ...

news@greenecountymessenger.comAbout 1 in 5 adults in the United States ëƵ 21% of the population ëƵ is living with a mental illness.And mental health issues among children and adolescents have skyrocketed in recent years, with an estimated 1 in 6 children annually experiencing a mental health ...

COVID-19: Who was right?

ItëƵs now been three years since COVID hit.At the start of the pandemic, ëƵexpertsëƵ shouted: ëƵStay home!ëƵ ëƵClose schools!ëƵ ëƵWash your hands!ëƵ ëƵDisinfect countertops!ëƵClearly, disinfecting countertops and washing hands made no difference. What about closing schools and ...

Joe Biden has done so many things well ëƵ saving Ukraine, confronting China, signing a bipartisan gun control bill. And in a week of right-wing crazytown, he stood out as a comforting keeper of stability.But thereëƵs one thing he hasnëƵt gotten right: curbing the chaos at the border. The ...

The GOP needs help, immediately

On Wednesday, a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives nominating Kevin McCarthy for the speakership yet again, tried to spin the matter by reminding people that ëƵdemocracy is messy.ëƵDemocracy is messy by design,ëƵ said WisconsinëƵs Mike Gallagher. ëƵAnd thatëƵs a ...