
Democrats select Washington Co. farmer to challenge Rep. Cook in 50th House race

Ross Manko must submit candidate paperwork to state by Thursday

By Mike Jones 3 min read
article image - File photo
Drew Ross Manko is shown in this 2019 file photo at the entrance of Ross Farms that he owns and operates in North Bethlehem Township.

Democrats have a new candidate to challenge state Rep. Bud Cook in the general election.

Committee members living in the 50th state House District that includes Greene County and southeastern Washington County met through video conferencing Monday night and selected Drew Ross Manko to run against the four-term Republican incumbent.

Ross Manko, who is a farmer living in North Bethlehem Township, narrowly edged out Lois Bower-Bjornson for the nomination, although results of the final vote total were not made public.

Ross Manko ran an unsuccessful write-in campaign for the Democratic nomination during the April 23 primary, so he’s looking forward to now being able to make his case to voters.

“I’m excited to join the race,” Ross Manko said during a phone interview Tuesday. “I think it’s an exciting time in American history to be a rural Dem, and I’m looking forward to being a part of this historic election and riding the ‘blue wave’ to victory.”

The position opened up when Stephanie Waggett, the Republican candidate from Greene County who unexpectedly won the Democratic nomination through a write-in campaign during the primary, withdrew her name from the ballot Aug. 12. That allowed Democrats to select their own nominee through a truncated process that culminated with Monday’s virtual vote.

With the nomination now settled, Ross Manko has until the close of business Thursday to submit all required paperwork to the state Department of State for him to be added to the ballot to face Cook in the Nov. 5 election. He must file appropriate financial statements and candidacy certificates with the state, and challenges can then be made up to three days after the selection is submitted.

“We’ve got a tight deadline,” Ross Manko said. “I’m filling out the paperwork (Tuesday night) and will be filing with the state shortly.”

Greene County Democratic Party Chairman Bill Pulkownik said Ross Manko notified him Tuesday afternoon that he would accept the nomination. Pulkownik politely declined comment on the nomination Tuesday, saying the party would make a statement after the state receives and accepts the proper paperwork confirming Ross Manko’s placement on the ballot. Washington County Democratic Committee Chairwoman Christina Proctor, who also oversaw the selection process, could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

Cook, who resides in West Pike Run, easily beat Waggett in the Republican primary. The two would have faced off for a rematch in the fall had Waggett not withdrawn from the race.


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